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Birth Doula Support

As your birth doula, I support you in preparing for birth and navigating the unexpected. As you ask questions and make choices about your birth preferences, I listen and discuss options with you. No question is too big or too small! I am knowledgable about evidence-based birth information and you are the expert on you, your body, your baby, and your family. My goal is always to listen to what you need and provide safe, nurturing space to discuss any topic.


When the time for your birth arrives, I go when and where you need me, home, hospital, birth center or a combination. I provide physical support through massage, counter pressure, and other physical comfort measures. I follow your lead when you know just what you need and make suggestions when you need fresh ideas. I also support the loved ones you choose to have in your birth space, through reassurance, encouragement, giving them a break or going on a food run. I build rapport with your entire birth support team through kindness and respect as we all strive together to support your best birth experience.


After your baby is born, I continue to be available in the early postpartum days by phone or to visit and check in. I can help you navigate any questions or challenges that come up and help connect you to additional birth professional resources you need.

Let's talk!

Your first consultation is free.

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